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Cari Associati, Cari Amici,

il nostro vice-presidente, Manuele Gragnolati, ha il piacere di informarvi che è comparso l'Oxford handbook of Dante, in co-direzione con Francesca Southerden ed Elena Lombardi. 

Manuele e Francesca ci avevano presentato la loro opera con una comunicazione fatta in occasione del nostro seminario del 16 dicembre 2020.

Qui trovate la copertina, l’indice e la descrizione dell’opera.

Società Dantesca di Francia


Chers sociétaires, chers amis, 

Notre vice-président, Manuele Gragnolati, a le plaisir de vous informer de la parution de l'Oxford handbook of Dante, qu'il co-dirige avec Francesca Southerden et Elena Lombardi. 

Manuele et Francesca nous avaient présenté cet ouvrage lors de leur communication donnée à l'occasion de notre séminaire du 16 décembre 2020. 

Vous trouverez en pièce jointe la couverture, la table des matières ainsi que la description de l'ouvrage. 

Bien cordialement,




The Oxford Handbook of Dante, edited by Manuele Gragnolati, Elena Lombardi, and Francesca Southerden (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)


The Oxford Handbook of Dante contains forty-four specially written chapters that provide a thorough and creative reading of Dante's oeuvre. It gathers an intergenerational and international team of scholars encompassing diverse approaches from the fields of Anglo-American, Italian, and continental scholarship and spanning several disciplines: philology, material culture, history, religion, art history, visual studies, theory from the classical to the contemporary, queer, post- and de-colonial, and feminist studies. The volume combines a rigorous reassessment of Dante's formation, themes, and sources, with a theoretically up-to-date focus on textuality, thereby offering a new critical Dante. The volume is divided into seven sections and seeks to challenge the Commedia-centric approach (the conviction that notwithstanding its many contradictions, Dante's works move towards the great reservoir of poetry and ideas that is the Commedia), in order to bring to light a non-teleological way in which these works relate amongst themselves. Plurality and the openness of interpretation appear as Dante's very mark, coexisting with the attempt to create an all-encompassing mastership. The Handbook suggests what is exciting about Dante now and indicate where Dante scholarship is going, or can go, in a global context.


Please see:




Introduction. Dante Unbound: A Vulnerable Life and the Openness of


Interpretation, Manuele Gragnolati, Elena Lombardi, and Francesca Southerden


Part I: Texts and Textuality


1:     The author, Justin Steinberg


2:     Memory, Lina Bolzoni

3:     Reading, Mary Carruthers


4:     Materiality of the text and manuscript culture, Martin Eisner

5:     The manuscript tradition, or on editing Dante, Fabio Zinelli


6:     Commentary (both by Dante and on Dante), Luca Fiorentini


7:     Digital Dante, Akash Kumar


Part II: Dialogues


8:     The Classics, Zygmunt G. Baranski


9:     Roman de la Rose, Antonio Montefusco


10:      Troubadours, William Burgwinkle

11:      Early Italian lyric, Roberto Rea


12:      Comic culture, Fabian Alfie

13:      Visual culture, Gervase Rosser



Part III: Transforming Knowledge


14:      Encyclopaedism, Franziska Meier


15:      Medicine, Natascia Tonelli

16:      Visual theory, Simon Gilson


17:      The law, Diego Quaglioni


18:      Politics, Tristan Kay

19:      Philosophy and theology, Pasquale Porro


20:      Religion, Alessandro Vettori

21:      Poetry, Elena Lombardi

Part IV: Space(s) and places


22:      Florence and Rome, Giuliano Milani


23:      Civitas/Community, Elisa Brilli


24:      The Mediterranean, Karla Mallette

25:      The East, Brenda Deen Schildgen


26:      Exile, Johannes Bartuschat

27:      Travelling/wandering/mapping, Theodore J. Cachey, Jr.


28:      Dante's other worlds, Peter Hawkins


Part V: A passionate selfhood


29:      Eschatological anthropology, Manuele Gragnolati

30:      Language, Heather Webb


31:      The mystical, Bernard McGinn


32:      Bodies on fire, Cary Howie


Part VI: A non-linear Dante


33:      The master narrative and its paradoxes, Nicolò Crisafi


34:      Conversion, palinody, traces, Jennifer Rushworth


35:      The lyric mode, Francesca Southerden

36:      Errancy: A brief history of Dante's Ferm Voler, Teodolinda Barolini



Part VII: Nachleben


37:      Translations, Martin McLaughlin


38:      Dante and the performing arts, Rossend Arqués Corominas

39:      Dante on screen, John David Rhodes


40:      Modernist Dante, Daniela Caselli

41:      Dante and the Shoah, Lino Pertile


42:      Dante in Caribbean poetics: Language, power, race, Jason Allen-Paisant


43:      Queering Dante, Gary Cestaro



44:      A decolonial feminist Dante: Imperial historiography and gender, Marguerite Waller




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