Categoria: Audio-Video - PODCAST - REELS
Visite: 1193

We present to you a book that tells the stories of 100 Freemasons who changed the world. Each of them can be an inspiration to anyone interested in the Royal Art.
The book is doubly interesting, because not only does it tell the story of the 100 Freemasons who had the greatest impact on the history of the world, but it also shows their portraits made using artificial intelligence.
Now you can look into the faces of such past Craft members as Montesquieu, Lord Nelson, and Prince Hall as if they were contemporaries of us.

The author of this book is himself a Freemason holding the 33rd – the highest degree of initiation.
Klaus Dąbrowski received the first three degrees of initiation in the Grand Orient of Poland (Grand Lodge created in 1783). He was elevated to the 33° – the highest Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite degree – by the Grand Lodge of Italy of the A.F. & A.M. (Palazzo Vitelleschi) in 2010, and currently holds the office of Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Poland.
Klaus Dąbrowski is also known as the author of a highly regarded huge anthology of Masonic illustrations ("Freemasons: 555 illustrations"), also published in several languages.


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